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  Dimitri sighs and for an instant he looks so sad ‘’ I do love you I want you so much, because you are mine, you are the other half of me my light in the darkness that I am’’. He looks into my eyes as he steps forward ‘’ and now I have lost my patients with this no matter what happens here today you will be returning with me to the kingdom you are finally sixteen now, don’t make me give the order to take you I really don’t like you being injured please my love this is your finally offer that I will make nicely.’’

  I knew in that moment I was going to die I would never give up, I love John so much there is no way I was going to marry Dimitri and something told me that if he ever got me to his kingdom I would be lost there forever.

  ‘’no I will die first if you do this I will make sure I die I don’t love you or even like you I love John’’ I screamed while focusing my power I have to give it everything I’ve got.

  Dimitri’s face filled with such hatred it scared me. The darkness around him got bigger as his powers came to the surface.

  ‘’ when you are in my kingdom where you belong you will never say that name again you had your offer, bring her home where she belongs you know the rules she does not die make sure I can heal her but she comes home with us today’’ he screamed at his men.

  The fifty men step forward their bodies going dark with power I felt my own powers getting ready to explode through my body, I smile a tiny bit because what Dimitri did not know is that I had been taking martial arts lesson all year to help me beat them I am quite a skilled fighter now, and I will use everything I can to make sure I don’t leave with them. The men separated into one line when all of a sudden one of them quickly moved to the right and shots a bolt of lightning at me I flipped into the air I could hear them all gasp as they watched me I quickly shot out my hand and sent a ball of fire straight into the man’s body his body jerked he flew backwards and landed hard onto the floor, his chest had smoke rising out of it and I realised I had killed him my powers were stronger than the last battle we had. I moved my body into position ready for another attack I started to feel a bit confident maybe I could win this one.

  ‘’my love you have been keeping secrets from me that was very impressive I wonder what else you can do; this just proves to me more that you belong with me you have just killed one of my guards’’ he said with a smile.

  ‘’ your powers have grown stronger’’ he turned to his guards

  ‘’take her I want her home use everything you have it seems that my love has secrets about what she can do’’.

  The guards all split from one another coming at me from all different directions the guards on my right and left attacked at once with a bolt of electricity and fire exploding from their hands heading right for me I twist my body up trying to flip away from both of the attacks as I sent a bolt of lightning at the guard on my right while a split second later twisting round to knock the other with a blast of wind to get him away from me but I wasn’t fast enough some of the electric bolt hit my shoulder throwing me of balance. I landed hard on the concrete and roll as fast as I could to my side and rise to my feet. I quickly look at the guards that attacked me I could tell the ones I hit with lightning are knocked out; the other guards are just winded so I still have about twenty of them to defeat. I look at my shoulder the pain so intense it’s all down my right arm it doesn’t look too bad, I’ve had worse my skin is burnt from the impact and blood is flowing down my arm but I ignore it as I turn to face the other guards I must defeat. They turn to each other and join hands I look at them confused they have never done this before, their bodies looked like they were almost disappearing with all the darkness flowing round them I knew this was not good. I take a deep breath and bring all my powers together at once giving all my strength into it I raise my eyes to them just in time to see all of their powers heading towards me like a giant wave I turn to the side and send all of my powers and strength at them I slowly sink to my knees as the world is going black all around me in the second we all threw are powers I heard Dimitri screaming at his guards to stop saying I had sent everything at them it would kill me he started to say something else but the wave of power hit, pain so intense, I knew I was going to die my whole body shook with the force as I flew backwards into the road the last thing I see is Dimitri’s face crying over me as he picks me up I don’t know if I killed the guards but it didn’t matter my hell was finally over.

  Dimitri leans over Isabel praying she was still alive her jeans are practically burned away her legs all grazed with cuts and burns. Her chest has scorch marks all over somehow her face was untouched looking as pale as death, Dimitri pressed his fingers to Isabel’s throat hoping there was a pulse then he feels it, a faint pulse beneath his fingers he breathes a sigh of relive cradling her in his arms kissing the top of her head he would be able to heal her but it would take a great deal of time. He turned towards his guards seeing that all of them are dead except for one, he’s very impressed the remaining guard slowly gets to his feet half of his body was burnt were the blast had impacted him.

  ‘’your highness we must go back to the kingdom now she needs to be healed and so do I’’ the guard said

  ‘’yes I know I can’t believe how much strength she has she has only just turned eighteen, I was right to choose her as my wife it will take some time to heal her through, her injuries are grave but she will survive them and be back to normal in about two weeks with me healing her’’

  ‘’are you sure that you should your highness it will take a lot of your energy to keep healing her maybe you should get some of your men to help with it’’

  ‘’no’’ Dimitri screamed ‘’only I will touch Isabel, now open the portal to the kingdom before any mortals turn up she left her home an hour ago the last thing we need is for her family to see this’’

  ‘’of course your highness it will be best if you put a shield around her going through the portal, it could kill her with the injuries she has’’

  ‘’ already doing it now’’ he felt his kingdom responding to his call as he placed a shield around Isabel to keep her safe, at the same time he healed her a bit with a kiss giving her some of his strength.

  ‘’let’s go home’’

  The guard held up his hand to open the portal the world around them disappeared as the portal began to gather power they stepped into the portal, darkness surrounded them the world passing by in a blur. Once the world became still again Dimitri looked up and smiled he was home, he turned with Isabel in his arms to walk through the door to greet his people.

  ‘’ my people I have your next princess, she is powerful and is finally home there is a lot of healing she must go through my future wife fought till the end she will make a fine queen of our kingdom’’. He smiled down at his people, the guard that had arrived in the portal with him turned to him.

  ‘’your highness we haven’t much time she is on the brink of death; she needs some healing to be done urgently’’

  Dimitri nodded to his guard he was actually his second in command his name is mark you could almost say he is my friend, I trust him.

  ‘’yes I will take her to my chambers where the healing will be begin keep me informed of the pure good kingdom and their gathering strength’’ he looks down at Isabel’s face feeling so much love for her it almost hurt him, this was one thing he didn’t understand evil was not meant to love this way it’s almost like a pure good love. ’be careful how much you say about the kingdom in front of Isabel she knows nothing about them and I want to keep it that way until she is my wife’’.

  ‘’of course your highness’’ mark said with a bow.

  Dimitri turned out of the room and started to walk towards his chamber, the corridors were long and twisted in all different directions the blackness clung to the kingdom making it almost depressing as you walk through, pictures hung of battles and violence to remind them how powerful they were with all the destruction they could cause. He stepped through the door to his chamber which
Dimitri had changed, this was the only room in the kingdom that was light and airy it felt almost welcoming. Light filled the room he turned towards the bed and laid Isabel gently on the pillows. He sat on the edge; he put one of his hands on her head on one on her heart and focused. Dimitri could feel his powers responding and start to flow into Isabel to heal her, he was careful about how much of his evil power went into her, looking down at her he could see some of the burns slowly fading and her colouring getting a bit better. He stopped healing, and pulled his hands away he could have healed her all in one go but he didn’t want Isabel evil, of course when she is his wife she would be, but only when she used her dark powers connected to the kingdom, he loved Isabel for who she was now he didn’t want to change her so the healing would take him a few weeks to do. He looked down at her his heart fluttering in response to being close to her.

  ‘’you don’t even know how much I truly love you Isabel this wasn’t meant to happen I was meant to just have you for your power, making sure I won the final battle but something went wrong I care so much about you I have watched you since you were six. The first time I saw you even then you were beautiful so full of life your bright blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight, your hair swinging round as you were playing, you were so innocent. I was meant to attack you then and bring you back to my kingdom, but I couldn’t I had such a fierce protectiveness rise up in me I declared that I would watch you until you were older but if the pure good found you then I would strike and you would be mine earlier than planned. We will be married I’m sorry I have to force you but you must be mine life is not the same without seeing you.’’ He leans forward to kiss Isabel’s head and moves his arms to cradle her so he can lie next to her. ‘’you can’t even hear me I’m sorry you’re in pain but there was no other way I need you like I need air, I will lie with you until your heart settles your body is trying to stop my powers from healing you I am amazed at how powerful you are already, now sleep well my love I will return soon’’. He gets up from the bed looking once more at Isabel before walking out of the room.

  Chapter 2

  Dimitri walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind him he turns to his two guards ‘’ no one enters this room but me there are no exceptions if anyone but me enters without my permission you will feel so much pain you will beg me for death’’

  The guards both looked at Dmitri with fear ‘’ of course your highness no one will enter’’ the guards bowed their heads to him showing their respect for him’’.

  ‘’good’’ Dmitri started at them for a second longer before Turing down the corridor

  He breathed a sigh of relief when he walked out of his peoples presence finally letting his emotions fill him, his heart hurt so much just thinking about how close he came to losing Isabel this was never meant to happen I don’t even understand myself why I feel this way about her maybe it’s my punishment for breaking the sacred rules of not hunting her, she must never find out about the pure good kingdom if she ever did I will lose if she is not mine, Dimitri smiled softly to himself as he thought about what she would do is she ever knew before he married her. He chuckled softly to himself thinking she would probable use everything she had to hide herself and all she loved from him and when he least expected it attack for the pure goods would tell her everything that she in her own right, royalty and is actually more powerful than anyone in both kingdoms. What once was a mission to make sure she was a part of his kingdom for the final battle has now turned in a mission to force her in a marriage, then spend his whole life if he needs to, to convince her to love him like he loves her. He turns down the final corridor and looks up in surprise as he realises he is at the throne room already clearly my thoughts ran away from me; he steps through the door to see his council in a heated discussion.

  ‘’Any news on the pure good kingdom’’ Dmitri says with authority ringing out of his voice

  Omar head of the council looks up ‘’your highness it is not good news I am afraid’’ Omar swallow with difficulty looking up and his price half afraid of what reaction would come from him when he delivered the news.

  ‘’ what do you mean not good news we have the chosen one in our kingdom and in a few short weeks she will be my wife if anything we should be celebrating we have basically won’’ Dimitri said his face hardening as the council would not look at him.

  ‘’speak’’ he demanded

  Omar looked up at his prince ‘’we had a pure good spy amongst us I’m afraid he was posing as one of your guards so he knew when you brought the chosen one here, he managed to send a message to the pure good kingdom before we could stop him, we killed him but it was too late I’m sorry your highness they know she is here, I’m sure they will come to free her we were just discussing increasing security and making are shields around the kingdom stronger when you walked in your highness’’ Omar finished in a rush he glanced at the prince his eyes going wide.

  ‘’WHAT’’ Dimitri screamed his powers coming quickly to the surface darkness so black swirling round him, for one moment Dimitri lost control, his powers shooting out of his body striking all around the room, the room was filled with such power the council flow across the throne room smacking hard against the wall, they all crumpled to the floor, while the room before them was being destroyed pictures, lamps the table and chairs all exploding or bursting into flames it took Dimitri a moment to get control of himself once he did the room was silent and still as he looked at the damage he realised everything was destroyed he sighed and looked down for a minute, this is how unstable he was when it came to Isabel he has just destroyed his own throne room, the throne was full of flickering flames, he knew the throne would be the one thing in the room that would be undamaged but that wasn’t the point, he took a deep breath before looking at the council attempting to gather themselves as he looked them over he saw a few of them were injured quite badly.

  ‘’those of you with injuries that need healing immediately, leave now’ ’Dimities voice booming out to them

  Half of the council jumped up shrinking back from him as they left the room to see the healer

  As Dmitri turned his head back to the others he saw that Omar was still standing

  ‘’you best sort this out Omar or I will kill you myself if the pure good get her I will kill you all, once you have a plan come to me you have one hour until then get out of my sight now.

  The council quickly fled the room Dmitri’s voice was so fierce they didn’t even glance at him as they practically ran from the room.

  ‘’Well that was amusing to watch’’ said a voice chuckling

  Dimitri looked up and saw it was mark who had spoken to him in such a way that if it was any once else he would have gladly tortured them for his amusement with the way he was feeling at the moment

  ‘’mark I see you are healed now’’ he said he looked mark over to make sure he truly was at full strength once more his tall lanky body seemed healed and moved with grace, his armoured once more back on him that gleamed when the light hit him. There is a scar running down his left eye all the way to his chin from the battle so long ago making him look fierce and dangerous.

  ‘’I can’t believe we had a spy’’ he says as he sighs ‘’we will have to move quickly now there is not much time I did not want to heal her quickly but now I have no choice she must be my wife before they get here I take it the council told you everything that is going on’’

  Mark nodded at Dmitri but kept silent

  ‘’how long until they come here’’

  ‘’it will not be long your highness if they make it through the barriers we have set up it will be a week when they are in are kingdom’’

  ‘’I will go now then to check that Isabel’s body is still excepting my powers to heal her if so I will have to heal her again, I have no choice prepare for the private wedding by the cliff, also so I have a backup plan place 3 guards on the family and her friend also put three on the boy she claims to love so much his name is john
so if she refuses me I can use them against her’’.

  ‘’of course your highness it will be done might I also make a suggestion’’ mark said uncertainty in his voice

  ‘’come on then out with it unless I let you say it you will just annoying me until I do give you permission’’ Dmitri said with a smile

  Mark laughed out loud ‘’ my suggestion is that when you have healed Isabel some more get some sleep you will need your strength’’

  ‘’ I was thinking the same thing I will retire now meet me back here in 8 hours also tell the council the same we all rest them meet’’.

  ‘’of course your highness’’ mark turned and left the room.

  Dimitri wearily walked out of the throne room and down the corridor to his chambers his people shrinking back from him obviously hearing that he was in a bad mood, he walked through his door closing it lightly behind him. He turned to the bed Isabel lying so still and pale on the bed, he sits on the edge of the bed looking at her burnt cloths he sighs raises his hand and runs it over her body a dark glow covering her as his hand moves slowly up he stops when he reaches her neck, the darkness slowly settles in place of her burnt clothes is now a beautiful white gown a corset style for the top which ends at her waist then flowing white gown comes flaring out of the corset, there is tiny diamonds all over the white gown which sparkly in every direction the light hits.

  ‘’now you truly look like a princess my love’’ he bends over and kisses her on the mouth and surprisingly he feels her respond and kisses him back he groans into her mouth and deepens the kiss which she responds to eagerly running her hands through his hair and tugging him closer to her, he shifts his position to run his hands slowly up her body to cup her breast as he cups her breast she groans into him and runs her groin against his he moves his mouth off her lips to kiss her neck she sighs.