SAVIOUR Read online

  1000 years ago

  In the dark night there were screams of agony as a war was breaking out between the pure good and evil ones. Prince Kyle of the pure good kingdom was doing everything in his power to not let the evil one’s win for if this was to happen the mortals would be destroyed by them, live in darkness and despair. As the prince stepped forward to confront them his guards and warriors were behind him ready to give their lives for the innocent. A bolt of lightning lit the sky as prince Dimitri of the evil kingdom had arrived the darkness clinging to him like a second skin his deep black eyes filled with pure evil as he took in the scene of men dying all around him, he stepped forward the grass under his feet turning black and dying, he rose his hand and sent a bolt of electricity straight at the prince of goodness he managed to dodge at the last moment but fell hard to the floor knocking the wind out him. He rose slowly to his feet clutching his sword which glowed into the dark night.

  ‘’I will never give in Dimitri I will never allow you to destroy humanity even if it means we all lose are lives today’’ he stood to face Dimitri a tickle of blood rolling down his face from the cut above his eye from when he fell, Dimitri laughed into the night full of hatred.

  ‘’ I will win; you are weak, all about being good and following the rules. You’re pathetic, evil has no end to power you will die by my hand today’’.

  His powers started to rise around him making the darkness swirl as if it was almost excited by the thought of death and violence, prince Kyle also was summoning all of his powers together as he felt the kingdoms power rising inside of him, as both the princes raised their hands all of their powers exploded into the night with such force the men who were fighting from both sides flew to the floor. Lightning and fire were exploding all around them, in the middle of the princes there was a ball of power which kept growing as they were trying to destroy one another. Dimitri’s laughter filled the battle field which soon started to turn to worry as he was weakening using all of his powers and strength at once was draining him he looked over to prince Kyle and saw it was having the same effect on him. As both princes were just about to lose consciousness from exhaustion, from using all there power the energy ball in the middle of them exploded both princes fell to the floor watching as their power was ripping through the sky killing men. This normally wouldn’t have bothered Dimitri but the problem was there powers were killing their own men thousands all dying within seconds. Dimitri and Kyle both shouting trying desperately to stop the power that had lost control unfortunately it had escaped their bodies and was acting on its own wild and free.

  ‘’What have we done, we will all be destroyed and all because of your selfishness wanting our world as well as the mortal one you are death to us all’’ Kyle shouted at Dimitri as he was trying to draw his power back into him but he knew he would not be able to, the force of both their powers combined were acting on their own, like wild magic.

  All of a sudden the powers stopped and the night was deadly still and images of light started to rise in front of the princes, they were blurry images Kyle had no idea what they were when all of a sudden they became clear, the old ones appeared in front of them. (The old ones are all the previous kings and queens of both kingdoms).

  Kyle’s father king Ronnie stepped forward ‘’you have both abused your powers and refused to come to an agreement if we had not been able to stop your powers you would have destroyed all life in the world therefore we have taken your powers and slowly over time as you build your kingdoms to strength once more you will slowly receive your powers back.

  In a thousand years a chosen one will be born into a mortal family and she will have all the powers you do, no one will be able to sense her until she is eighteen years old she will choose which side she will fight for and when she does whichever side she does not chose will be defeated in the final battle. If one of you chose not to follow the rules of not hunting her before she is eighteen, then we will not help you in the future the next time you battle this way we will leave you to destroy yourself and the world’’.

  Dimitri’s mother and father faded into the night with Dimitri back to the pure evil kingdom with the remaining people he had left, Kyle’s father stepped up to him and hugged him fiercely.

  ‘’ my son I have no doubt Dimitri will not listen to the rule about the chosen one I will help you all I can evil is growing strong as the mortals are becoming weaker against the evil one’s influence, you must ensure the chosen is safe when she turns of age she will either be your saviour or your destroyer. I am so proud of you my son you were willing to give your life to protect the mortals, now build your strength once more, you have seen how this battle went you need more strength and wisdom for this to never happen again and once you have the strength you will become king of the kingdom, until then my son you will remain a prince. Never lose faith and hope in the mortals. Ronnie looked at his only child with such love in his heart it almost broke as he knew he had to leave him once more.

  His mother stepped forward ‘’there is something you must know about the chosen one my son. All of the old ones were in agreement, we have used your sister’s unborn soul, and she will be resurrected as the chosen one. We did not tell you that when we were killed I was carrying your baby sister. This should hopefully give you an advantage. She will be born with the brightest light but she can be corrupted as she will be brought up as a mortal, she will not know our ways or even that there is a difference between pure good and evil. When you find her guard her with your life, she will not understand. The pure evil ones do not know of this they just know that she is the chosen one.

  ‘’Mother, father I will not let you down I will find the chosen one when she is of age I will never let the evil one’s win, I love you. I promises I will protect my sister at all cost’’ Kyle’s bright blue eyes filled with tears as he was watching his father and mother fade away from him once again.

  Your highness we must leave and prepare you also need to be healed’’ said drake.

  Kyle looked over at his second in command and best friend.

  ‘’Come we have much work to do, time will pass quickly as both sides gather strength we must not fail.’’

  Chapter one

  Present day

  My name is Isabel and this is how my story begins.

  I sat in the exam room the last and final day I would ever go to school I turned to look out the window staring at the field and tress watching the wind gently blowing across the tree tops. I sigh thinking of all that was to come, you see looking at me, you would think I was just a normal girl I have brown hair which I have grown to the middle of my back, I am deadly pale no matter how much sun I get I never tan, I have nice enough eyes their blue, my friend Kaylee is always telling me she feels like she’s looking into the ocean when I look at her, but I just think she is being nice she is my best friend after all, my body is slim and toned from all the constant fights I have. And before you think I’m a bully or something like that it’s grown men I am fighting you see when I turned six I noticed I could do things, I can move objects just by thinking about it also throw fire and electricity through my hands when I concentrate enough, I can also create wind and control all of nature such as the ground, trees and so on the list is just never ending I never told anyone what I can do they would think I’m a freak. These people I fight can do things as well so far I have been able to stop them, there leader he is called Dimitri he says he has been watching me since I was six when I first used my powers and slowly over time he has fallen in love with me he keeps telling me he wants me to come home with him where I will be excepted for who I am, I always say no I don’t know what it is but every time I look at him I just feel such evilness coming from him he never attacked me until six years ago. He always tells me he does
n’t want to hurt me and he can’t live without me but he will do whatever it takes to have me. I believe him because I never give up and end up getting hurt pretty bad, that’s when he sighs and looks at me and says he will return next year but his men will keep coming until I finally see sense and join him. I’m more sacred when they stop attacking me because that means he will heal me his whole body glows but not in a good way it’s all black around him and I feel like I’m suffocating, the pain when he’s healing me is unbearable it’s almost like I’m the opposite to him, when he heals me I feel like I’m being ripped in two. He kisses me on top of my head and fades away he only returns back to me when his men have injured me to the point of death sometimes I do think about giving in just to stop the pain but I never do. Some days are good and I have so many people around me that love me, my parents have no idea what battles I face and they will never know, as far as I know they are normal I can’t put them in danger it’s just means that I grew up faster than what I should have done my childhood was full of fear but now as I’m older my fear has turned into anger I don’t know why he wants me but what I do know is that I will never give in. The bell sounded through the gym and I stood up with a sigh as I handed my paper in to the teacher at the front, my last exam most teenagers would be excited no more school but not me I’m worried the attacks will be more now, for some reason they never attack when I’m at school, I picked up my bag, and left the gym to meet up with Kaylee and my boyfriend John as I walked across the court yard I see them sitting on the grass by the gates laughing, Kaylee has long beautiful blond hair with green eyes and a slim figure she could be a model with how beautiful she is, John is tall and has muscles in all the right places with deep blue eyes and brown almost wavy hair cut short I smile to myself as I think of them. John looks up as I approach them and smiles that wicked grin at me that makes my heart flutter and I automatically put my arms around his neck and kiss his lips softly. I hear john sigh and lean more into me to deepen the kiss we only break apart when we hear Kaylee laughing at us I look over to look at her watching the laughter roll through her body her eyes sparkling at me.

  ‘’You two are so in love it would almost make me sick if I didn’t love you both so much’’ Kaylee said as she walked over to my side and linked her arm through mine.

  I smiled into her eyes ‘’ you’re just grumpy because you have broken another guys heart and you have been single for about five minutes’’ I said laughing; Kaylee laughed and flicked her hair over her shoulders.

  ‘’so what was wrong with brad then’’ I said laughing as we all turned to walk through the gates and go home, John puts his arm around my waist as we walk.

  ‘’ohhh, you know he just wasn’t working out I’m more of a free spirit I get bored easily I don’t want to settle I want what you have a fit guy who worships the ground I walk on’’.

  I laughed once more ‘’Kaylee all the guys worship you. Have you not looked in a mirror your hotter than any girl in school,’’?

  Kaylee sighed and looked over at me for the first time ever I saw doubt in her eyes it was gone a second later ‘’ you really don’t see yourself do you Isabel anyway he just wasn’t the right guy for me’’

  John leaned into my ear ‘’ love you sweetheart I will meet you tonight at are secret place ok’’ he kissed the side of my head. ‘’ See ya later Kaylee ‘’

  ‘’yeah see ya lover boy’’ she said with a laugh

  John walked up the drive way to his house, I waved at him and smiled, and he gave me his cheeky grin and walked into the house.

  We both turned around heading for home I looked up at the sky looking at the sun shining, birds chirping as they flew through the sky for a small moment I felt jealous of the freedom they had.

  ‘’hey doozy ‘’ Kaylee said with a laugh ‘’ where did you go you looked so serious’’ I looked at Kaylee seeing concern on her face so I put on my brightest smile.

  ‘’ Nothing ‘’ I said with a laugh

  ‘’just thinking what I’m going to do this summer before I start college’’ I held my breath hoping she didn’t see I was lying to her.

  ‘’ya know Isabel sometimes I get the feeling your lying to me, I mean look how you get hurt whenever we have a summer holiday or a half term and you always say it’s because your clumsy but you’re not, you would tell me if someone was hurting you wouldn’t you’’ her face was full of concern and a fierce look at the same time that seemed to say that if someone was hurting me she would do everything she could to make them stop. For a moment I considered telling her everything but deep down I knew I couldn’t she would be in danger and I knew in my heart she would be killed.

  ‘’of course no one is hurting me it’s just that well you know me always on the go and not looking were I’m going sometimes; besides you make it sound like I look like an abuse victim’’ I said with a laugh ‘’it’s just a few bruises that I get it’s no big deal’’ I said with a shrug hoping she would drop the subject.

  ‘’ok then’’ she said with a sigh ‘’but you would tell me if someone was hurting you’’

  ‘’of course I would that’s what best friends do’’ I turned so I could hug her thinking about how lucky I was to have someone like Kaylee in my life. ‘’come on were at your house I will meet up with you tomorrow sometime’’ I said with a smile

  ‘’yeah I got big plans’’ she said with a laugh

  ‘’I will call you tonight’’

  I watched how she skipped up to her house and walked through the door with a sigh I started to walk home, thinking that somehow Kaylee was seeing more than she should, the walls I built around my self so people couldn’t see my pain or worry were obviously getting a bit weak. I turned down the street leading to my house there were only a few houses on my street. I love where I live because at the back of my house is a massive forest I escape there when I’m losing hope. Another power I realised I have is connecting to the earth or as other people would call it all the elements. When I sit there with all of the trees round me I think of the guy in my dreams of a different world I love this Kyle guy so much but it’s like a family love, I feel like I have known him all my life and he is my family the only one that could understand what I’m going through like me he has blue eyes, brown hair and is fairly tall. When I look in his eyes all I see is kindness he almost glows with how good he is, he tells me he’s waiting for me that I have a home with people who are like us fighting to stop a great evil and keep mortals (that means people like my parents and friends) safe. When I was younger and the dreams began I used to look everywhere for him but I soon began to realise that he is exactly what I thought he was just a dream. I looked up and realised I was at my door breathing in deep I walked up the path put my bright smile on and walked through the door.

  I walk through the front door, dropping my bags onto the floor and I see mum in the kitchen chopping up vegetables, I stand in the door way watching my mum. I smile softly as I watch my mum unlike me my mum is about five foot three, bright blonde hair with soft womanly curves.

  ‘’ hey Isabel are you listening to me I just asked you how your exam went’’ my mum said with a sigh and a hint of annoyance.

  ‘’ sorry mum I think I did good I answered all the questions and I feel like I got them right, what are you making’’ I asked with a tight smile because while I love my mum so much I feel like she puts a lot of pressure on me, making me feel like I have to be the best.

  ‘’we are having a roast dinner tonight it’s just me and you, your dad is working late again’’

  ‘’ok, I’m going out tonight with john I will be back at 11’’

  ‘’right ok love’’ my mum said with a sigh she loves John but I think she worries about us going fast as she calls it. I don’t understand why she feels this way, me and John have been seeing each other since we were both 13.

  ‘’ohh love before I forget could you go to the shop for me I forgot to pick up the Yorkshire puds’’

��’sure mum I’ll go now’’ I said

  I walk out of my front door I look around carefully to make sure I can’t see the men or Dimitri because this is the day they are due to come I wouldn’t have left the house but I have no reason to give my mum for not going to the shop for her well not one I was going to give anyway. I turn down my street and head for the shop it only takes me 10 minutes to get there not a bad walk. The sun is just starting to set; the sky is lit up with oranges and reds. As I round the corner I see them, I freeze in my tracks fear filling my whole body there is more of them than there normally is. I can see six guards and Dimitri, the street is empty of people which I am thankful for, I take a step forward hoping they can’t see my fear.

  ‘’ my love have you finally seen sense’’ he holds his hand out to me ‘’ come home with me become my wife we will rule together’’ he says with a smile

  ‘’wife’’ I say shocked he has never said that to me before just that he wanted me despair started to fill my body which slowly turns to shock ‘’what do you mean rule’’ I ask

  Dimitri laughs ‘’ my love I am the prince of darkness I rule my kingdom here on this world, of course the mortals cannot see they are blind to us and our power now come I am getting impatient, your place is by my side you are just as powerful as me you belong with me’’

  I could hear the anger in his voice now I knew what was about to happen the attacks would begin I had no chance of winning against them I never do, but with so many people with him I wonder if he is just going to kill me now for saying no once more. Well not him his men, he never uses his powers against me. I stand in front of him and look up into his eyes which are as black as the night I never thought someone could have eyes like that until I met him when I was fourteen.

  ‘’ I will never join you Dimitri you know that why don’t you just kill me I can’t take fighting all the time and I won’t give into you I don’t even know why you want me so much. You keep saying it’s because you love me but you don’t’’ I screamed at him ‘’ you are so evil how could you possibly love me, when you love someone you don’t hurt them when they say no, you don’t ruin their childhood with violence and hatred.